Runner checkpoint tracking system
Remote monitoring of unmanned aerial vehicle in experimental phase In order to record the movement and real-time location of an unmanned aerial vehicle during the in-flight test phase, GEKO NAVSAT has developed a low-cost device capable of recording and transmitting kinematic and environmental parameters, and a software platform Capable of receiving on ground and…
Monitoring of movement in sports activities In order to monitor and quantify the movement of athletes during the development of a sports activity, GEKO NAVSAT has developed a miniaturized device capable of measuring the levels of acceleration achieved in the three axes of the movement, allowing the athlete to be informed by light indications when a…
Solución encargada de transmitir la posición en tiempo real de los vehículos durante la competición
Usuarios y visitantes de Madrid-Río participan en una “búsqueda de tesoro”
Proyecto de seguimiento y monitorización liderado por la Organización de Consumidores y Usuarios (OCU)